19 December 2007

Christmas Cards

So my crazy wife thinks I want Christmas Cards for gifts, not really I just didn't want any real gifts. It is really nice to have the cards though so thank you for those who sent them.

The cards are what is making me write what I am. We were talking about scarifice in transition class last week. A lot of people are greatful for what we do in the service and it is great but for some of us, like me it is nothing really special. I think back to when I was first in and I barely got any sleep because I worked on the reactor plant on nuke subs and now I get some more. The things I do don't really seem that big of a deal becuase it is just part of the job. I guess I am that type of person who really doesn't think about what is really going around, like the people who aren't that affected by the bullets whizing by. It sounds crazy but you just become Comfortly Numb.

Yes I love the Pink.

08 December 2007

True Irony

Well I decided to buy myself a little gift, well my wife says it is from her since she let me. LOL. So I buy a Nintendo DS since it has really good games and brain teaser stuff. I got the NY Times crossword puzzle game which is fun. Then I go out to the ship's Christmas party what do I win. Not the PS3 that I have been eyeing forever but really don't need. No I get a PSP. Now I have two portable game players and one can play movies just like my 30GB i POD. True irony.

Life is good.

07 December 2007

Shady's Back

Well I am back and it was horrible. I couldn't really post because of the internet connection. Then we never pulled in anywhere so that was wonderful.

Life is good and I will post later.

Got some good stories.

Who loves you, Baby?

I do!!!

Just a little reminder that I think you're the best husband in the world and I miss you a lot. A whole lot. Work is crazy, Junior League stuff is crazy, the cats are crazy, I'm going crazy, and still I love and miss you the most.

Welcome home (because you will be by the time that you see this), NC1...wish I could be there with the rest of the family members, but know that I'm there in spirit.


p.s. Tony is going crazy, too, and he sends his regards.