10 June 2007

Japanese Baseball

OK, I was going to go to China Town when I realized that there was a baseball game in Yokohama where the China town is located. So I was on the phone with my wife, when I saw a poster with the Yokohama Baystars and the date for today. Well I had to go to the information desk and then ask them where the stadium was and luckily one of them understood me enough. You got to experience it because you have to sit where your team is playing so you can route for them. OK I get my ticket and then I finally find out where I can sit because it was bench seating. Then the game starts and when the opposing team is pitching everyone starts doing these chants and making noise. Then when our team is pitching we sit done. No popcorn just Japanese food and a lot of beer. It was a great time and I am trying to get everyone around me to go.

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