04 August 2007

Baby Shower

Well and friend of mine invited me to a baby shower for one of the guys on the ship. Of course my friend is Fillipino and it was a Fillipino party. Of course the food was plentiful and good, the people were always cheerful. I sang more Karokee songs, so you can imagine how that went.

I am going to a baseball game tomorrow so it should be fun.


bikegirl said...

hey you two, how can I leave comments? I can't figure this damn stuff out and Brandon's not home! love you both

Unknown said...

You posted your comment on here.

Denise said...

Dude, you sang KARAOKE??? You won't do it over here at "Burn Your Own Steak" night but you'll do it over there at some poor baby's shower, huh? (LOL)

Love you,
Your Wife

Anonymous said...

Thank You God your singing Karaoke over there where we can't hear it... You don't sing..