10 August 2007

To Whom it May Concern

Dear People Who Make the Furminator,

How is it possible that I can create a pile of fur bigger than my cat himself through the use of your product? Surely I'm going to make him bald at some point, right? Also, how am I supposed to coax the cat who won't let me pick her up or hold her to stand still while I'm removing 3/4 of the fur from her body? Finally, is there a cat fur recycling center I can send what's left over to? (I'm afraid that the huge piles are going to fill my trash can every week, leaving no room for real trash.) Perhaps there's someone who can spin all of that fur into yarn and knit booties for senior citizens or something???

Thank you for your assistance,


bikegirl said...

I wonder what to do with the fur that is in my dyson every time I vacuum. It's seems to be such a waste, all that fur!
Mine won't allow brushing, they prefer to have me rub it vigorously off of the recliner while I curse them!

Unknown said...

You can spin the hair into a ball so cats can play with it. Instead of yarn balls.

Anonymous said...

I gave up on all the fancy gadgets and finally got rid of the cat! The combing was stimulating hair growth (not the desired result) - you know that would never work if I was rubbing my far-too-generous widows peaks.

Marie said...

Do you suppose it would be inappropriate to gift a Furminator upon my mother-in-law? With her 5 cats, I admit that the hair all over her home skeeves me out. Seems like going straight to the source & thinning it out would really help! ;-)