19 September 2007

I wish that I were out to sea

I have decided that my DH (darling husband) and I should do like a Freaky Friday thing. I can be him and have fun sailing wherever it is that he's sailing, and he can be me. Here. Facing 1,000 square feet of "needs to be packed" and "needs to go to Goodwill" and "needs to just be thrown out because it's not fit for anyone". Rewriting process documentation for 360 upcoming product releases. Helping my team write their goals documents for the upcoming year. (Writing my own for my manager - oops!) Figuring out how many error messages and diagnostics our products include so that I can forward that information to Product Management. Creating the innards for the training binders for next week's Advocacy Committee (Junior League) meeting. (Figuring out what the heck needs to GO IN the binders for next week.)

I know that your job really is challenging, Sweetheart, and I'm not diminishing what you do, but I'd really like to escape San Diego for a while - what do you think?

Never forget that I love you,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The Navy doesn't have enough sea sick pills in the supply system. Also you couldn't do away from the cats. Also when you only get 4 hours or less sleep becuase you are working all the time. Oh wait my favorite when you get pulled back into Engineering and into the Engineering Training Team and you have to be in loud spaces where the temp exceeds 90 F. Lovely times.